Kazuya Mishima is a fictional character in the Tekken fighting game series. Appearing originally as the main protagonist of the series, he would become much more of a villain in later games along with his demonic entity known as Devil.
Character Story
Anna Williams, Ganryu, and Bruce Irvin were Kazuya's bodyguards. Roger and Alex were Kazuya's "Experimented Military Animals". Jack-2 and Prototype Jack were created by the Mishima Zaibatsu while Kazuya was in control. G Corporation was a business partner for Kazuya before the fourth tournament. However, it seems that they have betrayed him in time for the events of Tekken 5.
Character Story
According to Namco's official backstory, Kazuya Mishima is the son of Heihachi Mishima, the long-time Chief Executive Officer of the Mishima Zaibatsu: a powerful worldwide conglomerate and its various subsidiaries. When Kazuya was a five year old child, he was thrown off of a cliff by his father, who claimed that his son was weak. If Kazuya was to be his successor, he was to not only survive the fall, but climb back up the rocky wall as well. Kazuya nearly died from the fall, but his survival was assured through a deal with the Devil, who promised him enough power to take his revenge on his father.
Kazuya manages to defeat Jinpachi in the final battle. Looking down at his broken grandfather he kneels down and holds him in his arms. Kazuya calling his name slowly wakes Jinpachi and for a second they reminisce back to the days when they used to train together. After smiling happily together, Kazuya's eye flashes red and a sinister grin appears on his face.
He raises his arm and delivers a strike to Jinpachi's throat, killing him. As the camera pans away, Kazuya chuckles in delight.

Heihachi Mishima is Kazuya's father, while Jinpachi Mishima is his grandfather. Lee Chaolan is Kazuya's adopted brother and rival, raised by Heihachi to be Kazuya's "replacement" in family and business practice. In addition, Kazuya had a son, Jin Kazama, whom he conceived through Jun Kazama; this also makes Asuka Kazama a part of his extended family. Angel is supposedly Kazuya's good side, which was in constant conflict with Devil over control of Kazuya's soul during the time of Tekken 2. Angel has not been seen canonically since that game.
Paul Phoenix considers himself Kazuya's rival, desperately wanting to settle their score once and for all. Kazuya is also responsible for the death of Eddy Gordo's father.

Namco was originally going to remove Kazuya from the series after Tekken 2, but due to his popularity amongst Tekken fans, Namco decided to bring him back in Tekken 4. The surname, 三島 roughly translates to "Third Island". His given name, 一八 means "one eight" in English, not to be confused with 十八 ("ten eight") which is the proper way to write "eighteen."; apparently he shares the second given Kanji with his grandfather and father. The name Kazuya is an anagram of the word Yakuza which is the name of the Japanese mafia, several of his customization options in Tekken 5 include Yakuza-styled attire. Kazuya is referenced by Heihachi in the PS2 version of Soul Calibur II. Heihachi is a playable character in the game, and he often says after defeating an opponent, "I'd love to show this to that idiot son of mine."
Game series Tekken series
Game series Tekken series
First game Tekken
Voice actor(s) Toshiyuki Morikawa (Tekken 4 and Tekken 5)
Fighting style Mishima Style Karate
Home country Japan
Age 49 (technically)
Height 5' 11' (180 cm)
Weight 168 lbs (76 kg)
Blood type AB
Occupation Former head of the Mishima Financial Empire
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