Nina decides to make contact with Anna in hopes of restoring her memory. Unfortunately, their meeting serves only to trigger Nina's lost feelings of hostility towards her sister, and she immediately opens fire. Anna retaliates, and the reunion descends into a gunfight which lasts for days. The sisters eventually reach a stalemate and agree to settle things for good at The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. A portion of their gunfight can be seen in the introductory sequence of the game.
In the animated movie, Nina and Anna are Lee Chaolan's "girlfriends". Nina also pronounces her name "Aun-Na", suggesting that her name would not be pronounced like the North A
merican "Anna" (though it should be noted that the animated movie was notorious for mispronouncing character names). The animated movie storyline diverges from the original one; in it, Anna enters Tekken to finish her sister off without any feelings of compassion whatsoever, and is brutally attacked by a test subject that Lee sets free. The animated movie also states that it was Anna who killed her own father, Richard Williams, because she grew mad with bitterness over him always treating Nina better than her; in the original storyline, it was never stated who killed Richard Williams, and it is implied that both sisters loved their father and blame each other for responsibility for his death, but not literally killing him.

Nina and Anna are hired to take part in a big Hollywood movie. They have a short, sword fighting sequence on a rooftop before facing off for the final blow. Lightening flashes and the sisters slice past one another.
After a few seconds Nina emerges as the victor as Anna collapses to the ground. The director yells "Cut!" before beginning to complain that Nina isn't following the script. As he berates Nina, her armour begins to fall apart, and she desperately tries to hold it together. Anna rises from the ground and begins to laugh at Nina's humiliation.TRIVIAAnna's sub-bosses are Lee Chaolan and Nina Williams.Anna is most notable for the stylish outfits she wears in matches. Usually, she's shown wearing a modified qipao with matching gloves and shoes, and she keeps her hair well-coiffed and cut to the neckline.In Tekken, Tekken 2 (during gameplay only), and the Tekken anime, Anna has black hair. In all other games, her hair is brown.One of Anna's alternate costumes, a black and white zebra-stripe outfit, first seen in Tekken 3, was not included in Tekken games after Tekken Tag Tournament by request of PETA, who believed that the outfit promoted the wearing of fur

Game series Tekken series
First game Tekken
Voice actor(s) Lenne Hardt (Tekken 5)Debra Rogers (Death by Degrees)
Fighting style Koppo (Bone Martial Arts) and Aikido
Home country Ireland
Age (Real age 41, although the 19 years spent in cryosleep preserved her body to still remain 22 years old)
Height 5' 4' (1.63 m)
Weight 108 lbs
Blood type A (prior to Cryogenic Sleep)
Occupation Student (Retired)
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